Hadrian's Wall | Camino de Santiago | Vietnam biking

Pace of the Camino

A delayed post due to poor internet connectivity.

Everyone passes us! Everyone! Hola, we say. Buen Camino, they say. And off they go. Mostly this is because we are slow walkers, but we’d like to think that it is also because we pause to admire the fields of wildflowers, talk with the sheep, listen to bird song and cow bells, and look behind from where we’ve come. And take lots of photos!

Sunday was a gorgeous day on the Camino – the first sunshine since leaving Madrid on Thursday. Clear blue skies and cool temperatures. Because of the preceding rainy days, it was also muddy. Not just a little mud. Sink into the muck muddy. Socks and pants covered muddy. Hope you can get your foot out without losing your shoe muddy. Slip and slide muddy.

One of many muddy patches.

The slip marks of those who preceded us were visible in the mud. And we both had some close calls. And then I (Sharon) fell. Thankfully onto my side and into an unexpectedly soft bed of leaves which saved me from wearing mud on my bum for the rest of the day. My ‘keen’ observation? It’s really hard to stand up with a pack on your back!

We arrived in Zarautz from Donostia – San Sebastián around 3:30pm on Sunday. Eight hours of walking, 14.3 miles, 2134 feet of elevation gain. Imagine our surprise when some of the people who passed us were checking in at the same time! And a couple of people who had passed us came in later! Maybe we aren’t so slow after all!

The best part is that we are getting to know some of the people who started in Irun the same day we did. Not many Americans – we are often the only people from the US. But we are enjoying the company of people from Australia, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Mexico, and Finland. And also Spain, of course. Buen Camino.

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  1. mary acevedo

    I am enjoying your pictures and writing very much! Go as slow as suits. I was able to see and do a lot in NYC with Jessie with her going as slowly as I needed!

  2. Maureen Browne

    Your photo journalism is exceptional.

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