Hadrian's Wall | Camino de Santiago | Vietnam biking

Category: Spain (Page 3 of 4)

Finding Our Stride

Each night we sit down to decide where we want to walk to the following day. There is a combination of factors that figure into this calculation: miles, elevation gain, surfaces we will walk, weather, availability of housing, how we are feeling in terms of energy level, blisters, etc. And making sure there is time to take in the beauty around us.

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Tourists in Bilbao

Our hike from Albergue Gerekiz into Bilbao on Friday was long and challenging, but what a gorgeous city to enter on foot. We could see the full expanse of the city below as we exited the forest. Little did we know that we would walk miles – and see the striking beauty of Frank Gerry’s Guggenheim along the waterfront- before we arrived at our albergue. A full 9.5 hours and 15.5 miles after leaving Albergue Gerekiz in the fog at 8:30 a.m.

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A Day in Gernika

Our time in Gernika (Basque for Guernica) left Barry and me both with tender hearts. Most Americans know of Gernika through Pablo Picasso’s famous 1937 painting, Guernica. But we don’t necessarily connect it specifically with the events of April 26, 1937, when Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy bombed the civilian population at the request of Spanish fascists and reduced Gernika to ashes.

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Pace of the Camino

A delayed post due to poor internet connectivity.

Everyone passes us! Everyone! Hola, we say. Buen Camino, they say. And off they go. Mostly this is because we are slow walkers, but we’d like to think that it is also because we pause to admire the fields of wildflowers, talk with the sheep, listen to bird song and cow bells, and look behind from where we’ve come. And take lots of photos!

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Donostia / San Sebastián

We spent Saturday in a small city on the Bay of Biscay only 20 kilometers from the French border. It is a foodie town known for its Basque cuisine. It is a beach town with surfers in wetsuits carrying their boards to and from the waterfront. And as we came to learn, it is a town with an official name in two languages – Donostia (Basque) / San Sebastián (Spanish).

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