Sharon and Barry Go!

Hadrian's Wall | Camino de Santiago | Vietnam biking

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Surfaces We Walk On

Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday of last week took us through a large section of Asturias. We stayed at Fali’s Albergue in Muros de Nalón on Tuesday and the beautiful train station Albergue de Peregrinos in Novellana on Wednesday. Both offered delicious communal dinners and filling breakfasts. On Thursday night, we stayed in Queruas at La Yalga, a comfortable but less pilgrim-friendly stay. Relive videos for each day are at the end of this post.

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Our Longest Climb

As we gathered around the fireplace at the farmhouse Albergue Peón, the topic of conversation among peregrinos was the sense of accomplishment in completing an extended climb that afternoon. Not our highest climb, but one of the steepest and definitely the longest continuous effort! Even though we hadn’t climbed together, there was bonding around the shared experience.

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A Delightful Encounter

As we walked a rural road near a tower whose construction started 12 centuries ago , we were greeted by a man who appeared a bit older than us at the entrance to his estate. The man, who turned out to be 76, had kind eyes and was eager to tell us about himself and his property. He invited us to see his house and gardens and was delighted to learn that Sharon was a gardener, too.

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The Caves of Altamira

We took a bus to Santillana del Mar on Saturday. It was drizzling, and we appreciated not hiking through the industrial outskirts of Santander as we exited the city. The main structures in Santillana are part of a true medieval village and fascinating to see. Visiting on a weekend, however, meant lots of tourists in town!

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