Sharon and Barry Go!

Hadrian's Wall | Camino de Santiago | Vietnam biking

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Hanoi by Bike

Yesterday we were pedestrians dodging motorbikes and cars on crowded Hanoi streets, and today we set out to see the city by bike. We are a diverse group of six people – 4 men and 2 women. Two Brits (one originally from New Zealand), one Canadian (by way of Denmark), and one Australian in addition to Barry and me. Our leader, Nguyen Son (Son), lives in Hanoi when he’s not shepherding tourists around his country.
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Morning Walk in Hanoi

Our first morning in Vietnam. We took a slow stroll (our jet-lagged bodies couldn’t handle more) through the nearby Old Quarter and quickly learned that the signature sound of Hanoi is the beep-beep of motorbikes warning pedestrians and other scooter riders away. Scooters parked on sidewalks often force pedestrians onto the crowded streets. There are few traffic signals and everybody plays chicken to decide who gets the right of way.

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Xin chào!

Hello (Xin chào) friends and family, and welcome to! We plan to post photos and narrative to this website throughout our trip. You can see the daily path of our travels under the Itinerary tab and photos under the Photo Galleries tab.  The Home tab is the place to read about our day-to-day impressions. Keep in mind that we are 12 time zones ahead of US Eastern time zone. Thank you for following our trip to Vietnam and Cambodia! SPH and BIF

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